360 Feedback

Honest feedback is hard to take, especially from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger.
— Franklin P. Jones

As leaders rise in the organization, the more likely their performance issues are behavioral rather than skills based.  Ratings or feedback on interpersonal behavior is usually vague, subjective, unquantifiable, and open to wildly variant interpretations. 

When used correctly, feedback is very useful for telling us “where we are.”  We can’t change the past, but we can change the future.  Feedback enables the Leader and the coach to have better information on how to achieve future success.  Just as salespeople need feedback on what’s selling and leaders need feedback on how they are perceived by their subordinates, we all need feedback to see where we are, where we need to go, and to measure our progress.

Involving coworkers in a 360° feedback process has massive side benefits.  It enriches the entire experience.  The Leader not only changes for the better because they are getting support from their coworkers, but the coworkers change too because of what they learn by supporting the Leader.  This is a rich and subtle dynamic that proves change is not a one-way street.  It involves Multiple parties:  the person who’s changing and the people who notice it.  

ohn C. Maxwell defines a blind spot as “an area in the lives of people in which they continually do not see themselves or their situation realistically.”

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Leadership blind spots can be found in many areas, such as workplace knowledge or expertise, leadership style, relationships or some other key domain.



Finally, a 360 for DiSC® users. But Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders isn’t just any 360. It combines the best of 360s with the simplicity and power of DiSC, plus three strategies for improving leadership effectiveness. The result is a 360 experience that’s more productive and satisfying.


The EQ-360® is ideal for use in organizations where developing effective communication between individuals, teams, and the entire organization is crucial to success. The EQ-360 identifies key employee strengths that can be leveraged to the benefit of the organization, as well as impediments to high performance that could be improved. The assessment process can also be used as a follow-up to formal coaching and to measure progress.